Episode LXXXIV - Batman & Two -Face #28 & Quantum & Woody #8

Ali is back from the West Coast and finds out some shocking news on air. We try to console him with off color humor and hand hugs. We also talk about some comics we liked and didn’t like. It’s the Nine Panel Weekly Comic Book Podcast Presented by the Fallout Shelter in Highland Park, NJ!

The Fallout Shelter: www.falloutsheltercomics.com / @FalloutShelter

Show Notes:

Spotlight On: Daredevil #36 (00:08:50)

Roundtable Comic Book Reviews:
  • Justice League #28 (00:16:17)
  • Undertow #1 (00:22:46)
  • New Warriors #1 (00:25:21)
  • Uncanny X-Men #17 (00:30:55)
  • Savage Wolverine #15 (00:34:10)
  • Avengers World #3 (00:37:09)
  • Nova #13 (00:40:19)
  • Extinction Parade #5 (00:43:19)
  • Kings Watch #4 (00:46:06)
  • Captain America #17 (00:48:40)
  • Punisher #2 (00:52:20)
  • Amazing X-Men #4 (00:54:40)

Reccomendations of the Week:
  • Batman & Two-Face #28 (01:00:25)
  • Quantum & Woody #8 (01:05:05)


REVIEW: Daredevil #36

Daredevil #36

And that is how Matt Murdock comes to live in San Francisco...

Daredevil has been one of the most consistent and purely enjoyable Marvel comics over the last few years and the conclusion to the current volume is no exception. The shocking cliffhanger of the previous issue, where Matt states emphatically that he is Daredevil, plays out here with incredbile storytelling ease. 

The events in the courtroom are framed by a emotional and bittersweet opening scene between Matt and Foggy Nelson, as The Man Without Fear discloses to his cancer stricken partner what he intends to do in court. This scene encapsulates what I have always loved about this series; the emotional bond that Matt has with his closest friends and allies, especially Foggy, is what drives and pushes him forward. This has been key to Waid’s run throughout, and what gave this book heart. This allows Matt to be vulnerable not because of his blindness but instead because of how close he allows those he holds dear to become. The creative team of Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Javier Rodriguez have known exactly how to build a world where Daredevil does not need to be gritty and dark to be emotionally heavy.

When the slow burn of the courtroom scene reaches its denouement, and the Serpents attack squadron busts in, Matt and the readers knows the fix is in. Daredevil has won and therefore so has the justice system. The cleansing of the Serpents is complete and Matt happily deals with the consequences knowing that he has done his duty. 

While this final issue was a nice cap on an outstanding run it does still seem to read quickly. Plowing through a lackluster fight scene with only Serpent thugs made it seem all too easy for Daredevil. Not to mention the biggest problem with this book; it does not feel like a final issue to a series. Instead, it feels like the end of the Sons of The Serpent story line. The renumbering of Marvel titles is something that could beneficial to new readers if the stories were brand new, starting from a fresh spot or with a new creative team. Instead, Marvel has decided to renumber Daredevil to a number one while maintaining the same storyline and talent. While Waid, Samnee and Rodriguez aren’t finished and current readers are better off for it the problem is that new readers coming in, even with a recap page or back material, will still be underinformed about the significance of the the past. Furthermore, keeping the numbering would encourage new readers to go back to and pick up the trades of the previous arcs, with a new series there is no motivation to do so. 

So with that we have the end of Daredevil. It will be back, mostly the same, in a few weeks only with a new setting.  We will have more Waid plotting to devour, Samnee layouts (like this week’s I AM DAREDEVIL page) to fawn over and Rodriguez colors to indulge in. It is not the end of an outstanding series, it is a shift. Not that you’d know by looking at the numbering. 

7.5 out of 9 Panels

(W) Mark Waid
(A) Chris Samnee

Marvel Comics
Steven DeFeo

Episode LXXXIII - Letter 44 #4 & Batman #28

In a week with a great number of astounding books and little news the guys highlight it all. They shine a Spotlight on Winter Soldier: The Bitter March, a new mini-series from Rick Remender. We also delve into another duo of new titles. It’s the Nine Panel Weekly Comic Book Podcast Presented by the Fallout Shelter in Highland Park, NJ!

The Fallout Shelter: www.falloutsheltercomics.com / @FalloutShelter

Show Notes:

Spotlight On: Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 (12:00)

Roundtable Comic Book Reviews:
  • All New X-Men #23 (20:50)
  • Superior Spider-Man #27 (23:48)
  • Fatale #20 (26:51)
  • Avengers #26 (29:20)
  • Kick Ass 3 #6 (32:58)
  • The Fuse #1 (35:45)
  • The Walking Dead #121 (40:20)
  • Justice League of America #12 (44:38)
  • She-Hulk #1 (47:10)
  • Thor God of Thunder #19 (51:40)
  • Nightwing #28 (56:00)
  • Think Tank #12 (58:44)

Reccomendations of the Week:
  • Batman #28 (01:04:18)
  • Letter 44 #4 (01:13:18)

News: (01:18:31)

REVIEW: Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1


Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 

    If there is anyone in the Marvel Universe that has needed love for a long time, it’s Bucky Barnes. The man was Captain America’s right hand man, then was picked up by the Ruskies, brainwashed to hate freedom and the American way, and finally watched his mentor die when he became a good guy again. To me, Bucky Barnes is the ultimate tragedy, and yet far more interesting than Cap (I’m going to get a ton of flack for that). With the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we now have Mr. Barnes in the present, and of course, looking more bad-ass than ever. Yet, there seems to be a lack of Bucky since the Brubaker run finished, and it is a noticeable omission. Fear no more! Rick Remender and Roland Boschi have teamed up to deliver a five issue mini series detailing the legend of the Winter Soldier. And damn is it good.

  The story takes us through the trippy 60’s, and the espionage tales of the day. We follow a dashing Nick Fury, and an equally formidable Ran Shen, as they James Bond their way into a mountain-side Hydra castle to rescue Nazi scientists. Of course, they are discovered (due to Shen’s showmanship, in a perfect tie in to Remender’s own Captain America series), and end up dealing with the Winter Soldier himself. The story was quick, well laid out, and gave a solid narrative of a cookie cutter beginning. You came in knowing that the Winter Soldier was going to appear somewhere in this mess of a plan they attempted, and that the competitive nature between S.H.I.E.L.D’s number one and number two agents was going to come into play. Boschi’s art was crisp, reminiscent of cold war era spy books, and helped give us an understanding of the atmosphere we were dropped in. The dialogue between Ran and Nick was brilliant, and the wagers they kept making were witty, with enough tension to see the rivalry budding between the two.

  But what about the Winter Soldier, you ask? The mythos made an appearance in the last few pages, stealing the scientists from the duo, and gliding away. It is interesting to note that he was seen as a legend to most agencies and very few, if any, had escaped a meeting alive. The aura surrounding him was a solid start for the series, and I feel that we will be getting a lot more Bucky in the upcoming issues. If there is any problem is that we want more Bucky Barnes.

  Remender is a stud, and I wish this was an ongoing, but this is whetting my appetite until the Spring. This is the perfect compliment to the Captain America series, growing the tale of the Iron Nail, and also for your Marvel collection. Pick it up, or else The Winter Soldier will find you. Comrade. 

8.5 out of 9 Panels

(W) Rick Remender
(A) Roland Boschi
Marvel Comics

Ali Abouomar


Episode LXXXII - Ms. Marvel #1 & Trillium #6

We cover a lot of new Marvel titles this week as All New Marvel NOW kicks into high gear. We also delve into the penultimate issue of Forever Evil, Trillium and much more! We also talk a lot about the casting of key Marvel figures and some other Hollywood news. It’s the Nine Panel Weekly Comic Book Podcast Presented by the Fallout Shelter in Highland Park, NJ!

The Fallout Shelter: www.falloutsheltercomics.com / @FalloutShelter

Show Notes:
  • Forever Evil #5 (08:18)
  • Superior Foes of Spider-Man #8 (11:39)
  • The Punisher #1 (14:15)
  • God is Dead #6 (17:15)
  • Superior Carnage Annual #1 (21:45)
  • Lazarus #6 (23:54)
  • Hinterkind #5 (27:43)
  • Robocop: Last Stand #7 (30:59)
  • All-New Invaders #2 (35:31)
  • Batman Detective Comics #28 (39:05)
  • Loki: Agent of Asgard #1 (42:30)
  • Five Ghosts #9 (45:55)

Reccomendations of the Week:
  • Trillium #6 (49:10)
  • Ms. Marvel #1 (52:48)
News: (01:01:00)

Episode LXXXI - Uncanny Avengers #16, Miracleman #2 & Thunderbolts #21

Yeah…. so Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor? Okay……… Well, the guys talk about that, the casting of Alfred and other news while also reviewing some of the week’s new comic releases. It’s the Nine Panel Weekly Comic Book Podcast Presented by the Fallout Shelter in Highland Park, NJ!

The Fallout Shelter: www.falloutsheltercomics.com / @FalloutShelter

Show Notes:
  • Thor God of Thunder #18 (08:25)
  • Catwoman #27 (11:32)
  • Earth 2 Annual #2 (15:36)
  • The Superior Spider-Man #26 (18:42)
  • Batman & Robin Annual #2 (22:05)
  • East of West #9 (29:46)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy #11.NOW (34:40)
  • Damian Son of Batman #4 (38:28)
  • X-Men Legacy #23 (40:59)
  • Inhumanity #2 (43:47)
  • Justice League Dark #27 (48:05)
  • Talon #15 (50:54)

Reccomendations of the Week:
  • Miracleman #2 (53:50)
  • Thunderbolts #21 (57:48)
  • Uncanny Avengers #16 (01:00:44)

News: ()