On this week's episode we are going to be playing one of our favorite games,
Key Word! The game usually has its host, John, come up with a list of terms that Ali and Steve are meant to not speak (in the He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named sense). They then review a book for a minute each and if they utter a key word they are eliminated. Its bland, boring and overall just a game that needs a face lift.
Therefore, we are enlisting
YOUR help to come up with terms for the reinvented Key Word! We are flipping the game on its head and instead of avoiding terms, Ali and Steve will be looking to hit the words that you come up with for the books that they will be reviewing. The contestant that hits the most key words wins the round, whoever wins the most rounds wins the game and gets to smack the other in the mouth. For reals.
This means we need you to call in to the voicemail line
(732.253.0975), shoot John a private message on Twitter @JohnLor85, or send us an email at ninepanel@gmail.com with the subject Key Words! The books we will be reviewing this week are:
- Burn the Orphanage #1
- Avengers #17
- Legend of Luthor Strode #6
- All New X-Men #15
- Green Lantern #23
So what are the words you think of when you read these books this week? Gather up a list and give us your thoughts.